Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Here's some images of a project I started this weekend - the decrepit entrance to some dwarven tunnels. Of course, it needs a fair bit of detailing (Adding stones to the sides, flocking, etc) before the paint goes on, but I think we're off to a good start. Have some pics:

I also have some angle shots and a scale comparison for Urist McBlastingcharges here, to give you all a sense of the final colour scheme and scale you'll be seeing in this project and the accompanying dwarf battalion.

Paint jobs should improve for later Dwarfs. Anyway, I'll get back to you all after I do something interesting, next step is affixing the stones to the hill.

Hello World!

Hi everyone! This is Yoel, welcome to my
Blog! It's pretty bare-bones at the moment,
But I intend to format it soon. I'm going to
be displaying my painted miniatures and
other modeling projects, withthe occasional
battle report when I play games with them.